guess who’s back

guess who’s back

Hot take: Elden Ring Nightreign is just hypixel skyblock on steroids

TIL that nobody wears 99 quite like Jennifer Coolidge, Wayne Gretzky, and Discover.

TIL that nobody wears 99 quite like Jennifer Coolidge, Wayne Gretzky, and Discover.

[Fan art] Nubia by me

Higher ASO values ​​and concern about possible strep

Hello, my daughter is about to turn 18, but about a month ago she was sick. At the moment, for about a week, she says that she has a headache after an illness. We went to the doctor, he said that it could still be sinus cavities and he took blood. The tests showed ASO 289, increased lymphocytes and decreased neutr. Granule. The doctor only said that we should use magnesium and use momentasone sandoz. However, since her ASO is higher, I am afraid if she still has streptococcus in her or if there are complications such as rheumatic fever. The doctor did not prescribe antibiotics. I will be happy for advice

Moona's and Rissa's new song was fire and the MV was incredible which included Ao-kun as the love interest.

That must be some crazy pizza

Have a great Saturday

Best shops to buy snowboard and/or ski equipment?

My son and I are looking to graduate up from renting gear at the hills.

Oh you don’t like when I do THIS?!

House of Highlights on Instagram: "Bro pulled out the chug jug. 😂😭 (via @thesavbananas) @brgaming"

Es mi primera publicacion. Espero os guste

ExpressVPN On Roku Coupon Code

Click the link for [**ExpressVPN On Roku Coupon Code**]( Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.

How to deal with a broken jogwheel?

I've been playing a bar last night on CDJ 2000 NXS. When I started playing I realizedd that on both decks the jogwheel wasn't responding to my nudges properly. I'm talking about the touch sensors on the side you use for beatmatching. They stopped responded randomly which mad it next to impossible to beatmatch. I checked multiple times if Vinyl Mode was on and played with the jog wheel speed if that did anything. But nothing fixed it in a reliable fashion. The decks were fairly worn. Also a few other buttons only worked very reluctantly. Anyways, I solved most of the evening that I used the Sync button instead of beatmatching, which only goes so far in precision on such old gear and comes with all sorts of other limitations. But at least I was able to play my set. Have you ever experienced such a situation while on the job and how have you dealt with it?

استفسار عن راتب

السلام عليكم انا تقدم لي شخص وابي اعرف كم راتبه تقريبا وماعندي خبره لو ممكن احد يساعدني ويخش خاص اكون متشكره

The ciiiiiiiircle of ads on Reddit.

The ciiiiiiiircle of ads on Reddit.

Inofficial Skulduggery merch

Just thought i'd show off my small collection of Skulduggery merch /j 😭

"> Just thought i'd show off my small collection of Skulduggery merch /j 😭

Clearing out before I move

Hi all, I'm clearing out before I move out of my parents house and wondering what advice people have on how to decide what to keep/ chuck/ give to charity? The timeline is about two weeks. Context is, tensions are high in my house at the moment and my parents are very busy. I don't drive yet so my parents will be helping with the move, it's about 45 mins drive away. I want everything to fit in one load and not leave stuff behind (situation already outlined in r/relationship-advice) in the idea of coming back. Specifically: 1. I've got a lots of coins, mostly 10p. Was thinking of putting them in a tip jar at my local cafe I love when I go for the last time as I think it would take ages to pay them in? 2. While I was growing up I tended to hoard items that held "memories" like a T-shirt from Egypt or a little ceramic box I painted at my Grandparents. Are these the kind of things people regret throwing away later on in life? 3. Cushions - i have 5. 4. Books that I've read but enjoyed. Thanks in advance

Hoopa in Germany 2 locals - 714023734176 back to back

Bad luck lan boys

4 friends of mines and I joined together for the weekend, 2 on console, 3 on PC. Just found out crossplay is desactivated. Should have read the patch before, damn it.


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Starting an Chicken Biryani Shop near IIMT College, comment any tips

Should Start or not ?

Hoopa Unbound Raid 2 locals 956514855942 or 088600575156 party power

can i run fm on my HP ProBook 450 G8

I visited the local partially abandoned asylum again.

I visited the local partially abandoned asylum again and decided to use AI to give it a soundtrack. Each track within the album is based on locations within the asylum for example kitchen and wards. Any opinions are great.

AI: A Revolutionary Tool or a Threat to Human Creativity and Ethics?

You said: Create a thought-provoking discussion starter regarding the use of AI and its impact on the world. # ChatGPT said: **Discussion Starter:** With AI rapidly advancing and integrating into nearly every aspect of society—from art and creativity to medicine, law, and even decision-making—where do we draw the ethical lines? Should AI be seen as just another tool, like the internet or photography, that enhances human capabilities? Or does its ability to generate content, automate jobs, and mimic creativity pose a unique challenge that demands stricter regulation and oversight? Furthermore, as AI takes over more cognitive and creative tasks, do we risk devaluing human intuition, craftsmanship, and deep thinking? Or will AI free us from repetitive work and allow us to focus on more meaningful pursuits? Where do you personally stand on this, and what do you think society should do to navigate AI’s growing influence? 4o # You said: Good, now create a title for it # ChatGPT said: **"AI: A Revolutionary Tool or a Threat to Human Creativity and Ethics?"**

In Islam they say dating is not good why ?. Then how does one marry or know eachother .

They Also say makeup is bad. But I see many girls at my college in hijab applying heavy amounts of makeup.

A short clip from a stop-motion music video I'm making.

A short clip from a stop-motion music video I'm making.